Voting Guide 2024 Nevada

Nevada General Election

Election Day

Tuesday November 5

Registration Deadline

Deadlines depend on how you register and vote:

In-person: October 8

By Mail: October 8 (postmarked)

Online: October 22

Check Your Registration status.

Automatic Voter Registration


Same Day Registration


Dates vary depending on whether registering in-person or online.* You will need to show NV DMV driver’s license or ID (other IDs not accepted).

How to Register to Vote

Register or update registration online via Nevada Voter Registration (NV Sec of State), with paper form, or Vote411 or Federal Registration Form

Check Your Registration status.

Youth Pre-Registration


Pre-register at 17 years old (must be 18 years old the day you vote, so no later than Election Day).

Vote by Mail


Nevada automatically mails ballots to all registered voters.

Return Mail Ballot

Mail Deadline: Election Day November 5 (postmarked AND received by November 9 @ 5pm).

Drop-Box Deadline: Election Day November 5 @ 7pm.

Submit at Vote Center: Early Voting October 19-November 1 @ 7pm or Election Day November 5 @ 7pm.

How to Vote by Mail

No postage needed, postage is pre-paid. More info.

You must use pre-addressed, postage-paid ballot return envelope. Sign outside of envelope on signature line. NV Sec of State Voting by Mail FAQ.

Mailed beginning October 16.

Inactive Voters

Inactive will NOT be sent mail ballots (voters are inactive when their address on file is incorrect).**

Opt Out of Vote by Mail

To opt out of receiving mail ballot, submit application to your county clerk. Also available in Spanish and Tagalog here.***

Vote in Person

If you want to vote in person instead, you have two options:

  1. At voting site, surrender your mail ballot to poll worker and vote in person, or

  2. If you do not have or bring your mail ballot to the polling place, sign an affirmation that you are not voting more than once in the same election and vote in person.

Early Voting


Early Voting Dates

October 19 - November 1

Early Voting Drop Boxes


YES. Drop boxes are available for mail ballots. There must be at least one in each county. Check with your local county.****

Early Voting Locations

Early Voting Sites.

Sample Ballots

View sample ballot here.

Election Day Vote In Person

Tuesday November 5, 7am - 7pm

Election Day Polling Places

Look Up Polling Place or Election Day Voting Sites

Find contact info for county clerks.

Polling Place Electioneering

Buffer Zone: 100 ft. from the entrance to a building where a polling place is located.

Prohibited Activities: Influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion; displaying election-related material.

See NCSL Electioneering Table.

Press Access to Polling Place

Journalists employed or contracted by a “newspaper, periodical, press association, or radio or television station” may observe voting at polling places and take photos. See, Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press; Nev. Rev. Stat. §§ 293.274(1)–(3). Exit polling is also permitted within the electioneering prohibited area.*****

Poll Worker Info

To be a poll worker, you must meet the following requirements. Sign Up to Be Poll Worker NV, NV Sec of State FAQ. See also, NRS 293.217):

  • Be registered to vote in Nevada;

  • Be at least 18-years-old OR at least 16 and enrolled in high school; and

  • Are not a candidate or relative of a candidate (see NAC 28A1.310 for more details).

Photo ID


Not required to vote, but there are exceptions. See endnotes for detailed breakdown of when and which IDs required to register to vote and sometimes to vote.******

Provisional Ballots

YES, Same-Day Provisional Voting and Fail Safe Provisional Voting available. See NV Elections for rules.*******

Tracking Registration, Ballots, and More

Nevada uses Ballottrax for tracking voted ballots. You can also try contacting your local county clerk’s office. Check the Sec. of State's ballot cure site to cure a problem with your ballot, such as a challenged signature (county sites also listed here). See also, Nevada tracking sites here and here; Clarke County, Washoe County.

Ballot Measures

YES. Seven ballot measures on Nevada ballot.

Citizen Initiative, Legislative Referral, and Referenda.

College Students

Vote at College: To vote in Nevada, you will need to register to vote in Nevada. If you attend college in Nevada and live away from home, you will need to register to vote at your current address, whether on- or off-campus. If you have moved to Nevada from another state, you must have continuously resided in your Nevada county for 30 days and your election precinct for 10 days prior to Election Day. You will need to acquire a NV DMV-issued driver’s license or ID if you wish to register online or use Same Day Registration.

Vote in Home State/County: If you prefer to vote in your home state (state from which you moved to attend college in Nevada), you can vote by mail with an absentee ballot.********

People with Felony Convictions


The restoration of voting rights is automatic and immediate upon an individual’s release from prison, regardless of the category of felony committed, whether the individual is still on parole or probation or owes fees, or in what state the individual was convicted. These individuals will need to register or re-register in order to vote. See NV Restoration of Voting Rights.

Time Off to Vote


Time off to vote is available in certain circumstances pursuant to NRS 293.463 and NAC 284.586. Employees get 1-3 hours off paid leave depending on distance to polling place (not to be deducted from leave balance).*********

Helpful Websites

Nevada Secretary of State – Elections, Vote411 NV, Fair Elections Center

Photo Credit: Emal Rezaie on Unsplash


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