Samantha Waterman

I reside on the left wing, but I am rooting for the whole bird.



Public Speaking



I would like to help you achieve your goals and solve your problems.

I can help you create an advocacy campaign, craft clear and effective messaging, or educate your audience. I have years of experience from creating and running a professional association to advocating for women’s empowerment and for an innovative water project. I have worked on numerous political campaigns in communications, policy, and political (endorsements, surrogates, etc.). My experience also includes a stint at a law firm practicing campaign-finance and election law. And I have worked in government relations from representing a big-city mayor and city residents to managing teams of lobbyists to working the Hill and Sacramento. Writing and editing are also passions of mine.

I love talking politics and would be overjoyed to have the opportunity to educate your small or big audience on civics, government, and elections—how it all works and why protecting our democracy, no matter how imperfect, is more important than just about anything. I especially love connecting and finding common ground with people whose backgrounds and even political opinions are different than my own.

I strive for excellence in everything I do, and do my best work when employing my passion and enthusiasm to serve the greater good.

There’s a famous saying in politics: “I’m not for the left wing or the right wing. I’m for the whole bird.” I’ve got my own version. My home is decidedly on the left, but I find the sentiment compelling. I like to look to the right, perk up my ears, and listen for something that might be learned. Because…

I reside on the left wing, but I am rooting for the whole bird.


I got my start in politics as an intern on the Hill, moved on to polling at CBS News, and did a short stint at KPBS Radio in San Diego writing news headlines. Eventually, I went to law school and into political law, learning campaign-finance, election, and ethics law from the best (Marc Elias and Ellen Weintraub at Perkins Coie in DC and Stephen Kaufman in L.A.). I was inspired by a client, mayoral hopeful Antonio Villaraigosa, to make a switch from law to politics. I worked for Villaraigosa and then others on campaigns and in government doing communications, policy, and legislative work, I helped a startup create a political resource website, worked for a while in the California water industry, and was the founding director of a professional association for people working in empowerment self-defense. Since then I have advised clients, crafted messages, drafted media pitches, and created political ads through Whole Bird Communications.

I enjoy the challenge of developing and shaping message and policy to tell a compelling story, your story, illuminating common values and interests, sometimes to educate, sometimes to rally supporters and sway skeptics.

Principal & Founder, Whole Bird Consulting, North Carolina

Executive Director, Association of ESD Professionals, Arlington, VA

VP, Project Management | Communications, Cadiz, Inc., Los Angeles

VP, Communications, Cadiz, Inc., Los Angeles

Communications Deputy Fall, Citizens for Alan Khazei (Kennedy-Seat US Senate Race), Boston

VP, Political Strategy and Communications, Votiums, Los Angeles

Federal Liaison, Communications Deputy & Policy Director, and Legislative & Policy Deputy, LA Councilmember, Candidate, & Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, LA & DC

Political Director, Friends of Phil Angelides (State Treasurer Race), Sacramento

Attorney, Multiple Law Firms and Consulting, Los Angeles and Washington, DC



Communications: Communications strategy and messaging, rapid response/crisis communications, writing and editing, public speaking, polling, broadcast news, and campaign debate prep.

Advocacy & Policy: Built support, developed policies, mobilized, and persuaded. Outreach, writing, negotiations & VIP relations, and mobilization.

Leadership: Management, strategic planning, collaborations, coordination, negotiation, motivation, mentorship.

Legal, Ethics: Campaign-finance, election, and ethics law; poll watch program; business litigation and transactional law, contracts.

Staffing, Advance: Staffed candidates and company principals at interviews (TV, radio, editorial boards, etc.), meetings (with elected leaders, stakeholders, gov’t officials), and events (fundraisers, rallies, conferences, and more).












Hard Working



